How do I pay court fees when eFiling in California?

How to select the correct filing codes and fee options to complete payment for your filing

If you are eFiling in Los Angeles Civil, click here>>

If you are eFiling in Orange County Civil, San Diego Civil, or San Francisco County Civil, click here>>

When eFiling in most California courts, fees are calculated based on the filing type and document types. Each court assigns fees to each document type.


In order to ensure that you are being charged the correct fees, consider the document types carefully. Choose the best option based on the document type and the fees that are typically associated with filing your document into that case type.

Review the included fees for the document you have selected, and consider the options to add additional fees by selecting a service beneath the Optional Services and Fees heading. For instance, you may need to edit fees if you are filing on behalf of more than one party or if you want InfoTrack to disburse jury fees on your behalf.

After you click Validate Fees, double-check to make sure that you are seeing all the fees that you expect to be charged for the case given the documents that you are filing. If the amount does not seem to be correct, scroll back up to the Documents or Optional Services and Fees section to edit the fees associated with your documents.


If you can't find the document type that best matches your filing and results in accurate fees, please contact InfoTrack Customer Support.

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