How to edit and resend a SignIT order

Making changes to an existing SignIT order

Step 1: Locate the SignIT order

  • From your case management software, locate the SignIT order in the relevant matter and double-click. InfoTrack will open the order at the SignIT dashboard view. 
  • Alternatively, log into InfoTrack and locate the SignIt order in your Orders list. Click on the hyperlinked Status to open the SignIT order at the dashboard view. 

Step 2: Open the signer details editor

  • Click the drop-down symbol in the Signing column on any order entry, and a list of all signers will appear. Click on the one you want to edit.

Step 3: Edit the signer's email address

  • An Edit signer details modal will appear, and the signer's email address will be editable. Amend the email address as required, and click Resend. 

  • Your document will be sent to the amended / changed email address.

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