What are InfoTrack's 1099-S Deadlines?

Standard timelines for 1099-S filings

InfoTrack allows for 1099-S filings to be submitted throughout the year for the current tax year. The deadlines InfoTrack applies for a tax year are:

InfoTrack's 1099-S Deadlines
Last business day of January All 1099-S filings for the previous year's closings must be submitted to InfoTrack. 
Early February  Copies of forms are mailed to sellers by InfoTrack on your behalf.
Mid-February  Forms are received by sellers.
Last business day of February  Corrections and late filings may be made, however you (the filer) are responsible to furnish the seller a copy of the form.
Early March  1099-S filings are submitted to the IRS by InfoTrack. Any subsequent corrections will incur a late fee.
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